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Designing an experience

The title of a game is important. The image that accompanies it is even more important as it must convey the essence of the game in a single image. It is probably the most important image of the whole gaming experience that can define the success or failure of the project. For our game currently in development, Skool Days, we commissioned an art studio to design the cover of the game. Unicacabra is a studio based on the Canary Island of Fuerteventura, where they design art with personality but at the same time with classic old school lines.

In our case we wanted to make a cover or illustration that would transmit character and at the same time allow us to empathise with a possible character in the game who has to face a new challenge, a new adventure.

In the design, the first thing we asked ourselves was: what did we want to transmit? Here two words come into play that are key when approaching this question: Intentionality and Appealing.

Unicabra Studio was able to represent our idea and guide us through the process. We wanted to have the best artwork possible within our capabilities and time frame. The process of creating the image became a stable and constant flow of information, so we avoided misunderstandings and misunderstandings that could cause us to lose hours of work.

From sketch to delivery

When they received the initial indications they started to explore and imagine the best possible solution for what they wanted to express. At this stage they asked us thousands of questions that came up, so we were spared misunderstandings.

With ‘Skool Days’ we found ourselves with a pretty clear idea of what we were looking for, so the iterations were based more on the distribution of elements and how they would work in different dimensions.

When the final sketch was approved, it was time to structure the drawing better. We went from a free process to a more technical one. In this step we had to establish the perspective and composition of the image. At this point it was possible to work with a view to having to change things in the future, so keeping an order of layers and elements was crucial to save time and headaches in the future.

Although on a general level, the illustration must have a homogeneous quality, there are parts that must be given special attention, as they are the cornerstone of the image. In this cover all the attention will fall on the girl's face, and then the eye will go through the rest of the image. The girl's gaze is where we have had to deal with the most changes and corrections. But it is necessary in order to create something attractive to the viewer.

When the main elements were already delimited, we could move on to a blocking phase, which in this case was done with colour stain to speed up the process.

Here we can start to see the visual guide we were trying to do, and that is to get the first look to the girl's face, then to the boy and then to the school in the background. The girl's face is positioned exactly at the intersection of the top third and the right third of the image, which places her at a point of compositional interest, which are usually the first points you see in an image.

We continued to polish the image, giving details and correcting minor indications. At this point no more structural changes were made to the image, only minor tweaks that didn't interfere with the composition. We reached the stage of refining the details and lighting where we adjusted the tones and final details and finally it was time to give atmosphere to the scene. This helped to give depth to the image.

With the project completed we were given the artwork with clear nomenclature and as mentioned earlier in this article, with the ability for the documents to be easily editable. It was important to us that the image worked in different formats and the result is simply spectacular.

Published: By: Cocodrolo Games - November 14, 2024



Welcome to our vibrant world of gaming! We are a young and dynamic video game development company based in sunny Barcelona. Our team is passionate about creating games for mobile, PC, and consoles that are not only entertaining but also inclusive and socially relevant.

Our games are designed with sensitivity and a focus on current and social themes. We believe in the power of video games to make a positive impact, and our mission is to create experiences that resonate with a diverse, cosmopolitan audience.

Our first game is a social simulator where players control an avatar navigating the complexities of school life. The game challenges players to manage studies, social relationships, personal insecurities, and various events. Through empathy and thoughtful decision-making, players learn to handle different situations, sometimes achieving satisfying outcomes and other times choosing the lesser evil.

While our games are engaging and fun, filled with mini-games, challenges, and puzzles, they also serve as valuable tools for raising awareness among young people and teenagers about complex situations they might face in their daily lives.

Join us on this journey as we create meaningful and entertaining gaming experiences!


¡Bienvenidos a nuestro vibrante mundo de videojuegos! Somos una joven y dinámica compañía de desarrollo de videojuegos con sede en la soleada Barcelona. Nuestro equipo joven son unos entusiastas en crear juegos para móviles, PC y consolas que no solo sean entretenidos, sino también inclusivos y socialmente relevantes.

Nuestros juegos están diseñados con sensibilidad y se enfocan en temas actuales y sociales. Creemos en el poder de los videojuegos para generar un impacto positivo, y nuestra misión es crear experiencias que resuenen con una audiencia diversa y cosmopolita.

Nuestro primer juego es un simulador social en el que los jugadores controlan un avatar que navega por las complejidades de la vida escolar. El juego desafía a los jugadores a gestionar los estudios, las relaciones sociales, las inseguridades personales y diversos eventos. A través de la empatía y la toma de decisiones reflexivas, los jugadores aprenden a manejar diferentes situaciones, a veces logrando resultados satisfactorios y otras veces eligiendo el mal menor.

Aunque nuestros juegos son atractivos y divertidos, llenos de mini-juegos, desafíos y puzles, también sirven como valiosas herramientas para concienciar a los jóvenes y adolescentes sobre situaciones complejas que pueden enfrentar en su vida diaria.

¡Únete a nosotros en este viaje mientras creamos experiencias de juego significativas y entretenidas!


Benvinguts al nostre vibrant món dels videojocs! Som una jove i dinàmica companyia de desenvolupament de videojocs amb seu a la bonica Barcelona. El nostre equip jove són uns apassionats per a crear jocs per a mòbils, PC i consoles que no només siguin entretinguts, sinó també inclusius i socialment rellevants.

Els nostres jocs estan dissenyats amb sensibilitat i se centren en temes actuals i socials. Creiem en el poder dels videojocs per generar un impacte positiu, i la nostra missió és crear experiències que ressonin amb una audiència diversa i cosmopolita.

El nostre primer joc és un simulador social en el qual els jugadors controlen un avatar que navega per les complexitats de la vida escolar. El joc desafia els jugadors a gestionar els estudis, les relacions socials, les inseguretats personals i diversos esdeveniments. A través de l'empatia i la presa de decisions reflexives, els jugadors aprenen a manejar diferents situacions, de vegades aconseguint resultats satisfactoris i altres vegades escollint el mal menor.

Tot i que els nostres jocs són atractius i divertits, plens de mini-jocs, desafiaments i trencaclosques, també serveixen com a valuoses eines per conscienciar els joves i adolescents sobre situacions complexes que poden afrontar en la seva vida diària.

Uneix-te a nosaltres en aquest viatge mentre creem experiències de joc significatives i entretingudes!

Published: By: Cocodrolo Games - June 26, 2024

Financiado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU

Financiado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU